R. Dobbin Engineering started in 1986 with a single employee preparing engineers reports under the Drainage Act. The business expanded to include concrete box culverts, site plan development and residential subdivision development. The business was incorporated in 2005 and continues to expand in municipal drainage and municipal engineering. The company currently has 11 employees that include Ray Dobbin, Bill Van Ruitenburg, Dani Mezzatesta, Josh Warner, Teresa Zimmerman, David Moores, Dylan Krall, Corey Saunders, Jake Tetreault, Colin Janssen, and Chris Wild. The company has a GPS unit for survey and an ATV unit for surveys of large areas. Past projects have included municipal drainage, residential subdivision development including sanitary pump stations, storm water management facilities (including greenhouses), storm and sanitary sewer design, water main design (including rural water main projects), road and street design and culverts (corrugated steel pipe and pre-cast concrete box culverts), bridge inspection and rehabilitation as well as lot grading plans. We have prepared conceptual design reports for draft plan approval and Environmental Compliance Approval applications for the Ministry of the Environment.